Scaling PolygonCollider2D

Sometimes you want to select item on screen according to its graphical shape rather than a simple rectangular collider. In that case the best solution for that is Unity’s build in PolygonCollider2D component. Unfortunatelly for some images it could calculate shape that is too thin or too thick for our needs. I’m going to present how to scale calulated path according to vertices normal points that will give such effect:


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Unity Cloud Build with custom .dll files

Recently I was wondering how to approach the process of building my project in Unity Cloud Build service (from now on I’ll use UCB for short). Usually it’s a simple task: you go to UCB site, setup your  project, attach repository and you’re good to go, but what if your project consists of custom build .dll files that requires rebuilding for each platform? As you know UCB does not support msbuild to perform this task in the cloud so it has to be done before updating your repository… for each platform you are targeting.

I wanted to make it as simple as possible and fully automatic so I won’t have to spend more than just a few seconds each time I want to prepare build for all target platforms.

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Particles spawned at mesh vertices: Recreating inFamous Second Son neon run effect in Unity3D

Vertex Particles


About a year ago I’ve bought PS4 to play the newest installment of one of my belowed franchises – inFamous: Second Son. I was stunned by the effects the Sucker Punch team made to represent various powers of Delsin (the main character). One of the best for me was the Neon power, the run as well as the absorbtion. Last year at GDC Matt Vainio (technical director) talked about the effects in inFamous SS and how they did it (you should look it up, there’s a ton of useful information). In my free time I wanted to mimic the particle effect from neon run power in Unity3D but to be scalable also for mobiles (so not using DX11 just regular ParticleSystem). Czytaj dalej

Imposters for Unity3D


Not so long ago I was watching the talk that Ocean Quigley gave at GDC 2013 about SimCity art and technology behind it. One of the things discussed by him were imposters used for rendering great amounts of trees and people. Imposters are more advanced billoards that no only face the camera but alos provide image of model according to proper viewing angle usually taking into account scene lighting to achieve believable results. I’ve started to search for something like that for Unity but sadly I didn’t found much on that topic. I didn’t give up and decided to create something like that myself, because games for mobiles could really benefit from using such technique.

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Why app icon matters?

Not so long ago I made a new version of my android game Easter Hunting. As always I’ve uploaded the game to different stores, some of them have ‚new apps’ sections that automatically gives visibility. You want to maximize this and the key to do this is what people will see when they open the store page – app icon.

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